Waiting can be so hard! Recently, I have been waiting for my high school senior to decide his next steps in life. While my husband and I gave him time to think and pray, I also couldn’t wait to know. I’m a planner!
While working on the audiobook for Songbird this week, I ran across this song again. Can you even imagine the level of waiting that took place during World War II! Moms, dads, husbands, wives, and children waited for loved ones to return from the battlefield with always the constant fear that they might never return. How excruciating that must have been! It puts things in perspective for me. I am thankful that I am just waiting for my son to make a decision about college rather than returning from war.
“Waitin’ for the Train to Come in” was written by Martin Block and Sunny Skylar and was first recorded by Peggy Lee with Orchestra in July 1945. The song would go on to be performed by Harry James and His Orchestra, Johnny Long and His Orchestra, Louis Prima and His Orchestra and many others throughout musical history. My favorite is the original with Peggy Lee. Take a moment and listen. Maybe it will put what you are waiting for into perspective as well!
“Waiting in the depot by the railroad track. Looking for the choo-choo train that brings him back. I’m waiting for my life to begin. Waiting for the train to come in,” Ava sang, looking into the dim space above the dancers as if an imaginary train depot existed there.
Songbird, Chapter 50